Tour Danau Toba

Lake Toba is one of the leading tourist destinations in Indonesia, located in North Sumatra, 146 km to the south of the city of Medan. Lake Toba lies in 7 districts in North Sumatra Province with an area of ​​​​approximately 100 km and a width of 30 km square. This is a tourist destination for the paket tour danau toba program.

When viewed from the tour program, the paket wisata danau toba has actually undergone many changes according to its era. When Polonia Airport was still operating, there were not too many variations in the tour program, although it could still be varied, including changing the route on the first day directly to Berastagi and the next day to Lake Toba or vice versa.

The tour danau toba program today is very varied, not only the route and choice of tour duration, you can choose the airport that will be used for landing and take off according to your wishes. There is also the option of staying at Lake Toba where you may choose to stay on Samosir Island instead of staying in Parapat. Currently what is developing is the increasingly widespread discourse of exploring Humbang Hasundutan as a new tourist destination for Lake Toba.